Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trade Show & Testimonial

I just wanted to inform everyone that Cliff Harvey and I will be at BC Place this weekend (Feb 14 & 15) for the Outdoor Adventure Trade Show. We will have a Human Motion table set up with tons of products, services, testing devices, programs, etc for a reduced cost. So if you have nothing to do and live in the Vancouver area, come by and say hi. Thanks, and I'll leave you with another testimonial from a very respected colleague.

"Being in the field, I know how to differentiate among strength coaches. Paul is very knowledgeable and credible. He knows what he's doing and gets results because of it. I am not only a good friend and colleague of his, but I have been trained by him too. His teaching and training style is very clear and filled with passion. He has a love for his job and his passion helps you enjoy working with him. He's very approachable and he makes learning easy. I would recommend Paul to anyone who wants to get strong, feel better about themselves and perform better on the field."

Jon-Erik Kawamoto, B.Sc. (Kin-Coop), CSCS, CSEP-CEP
Strength Coach, Personal Trainer
Owner JKConditioning