Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hemsworth Strength & Wellness moves to Thunder Bay, Ontario!

Hi Everyone,

It's been a hectic little while but there have been some big changes at Hemsworth Strength & Wellness (including the name!). After calling Vancouver, BC home for the last few years, we have moved to Thunder Bay, Ontario. I want to personally thank our amazing clients on the west coast. You will be missed deeply but I know that you will all continue to grow.

More details on a facility, rates, and upcoming events will be posted soon, so be patient! In the meantime, if you or your team is interested in training, please call (807)-777-1717.

Lastly, just thought I would send you off with a health tip. Beginners are always asking me what the best way to get started in the gym is.

"Do you have a bootcamp I should join?"

"Can you set me up with a program?"

What you need to understand is the importance of learning how to move properly BEFORE you jump right into an intense training program or course. You have to look at health/fitness/strength the way you would look at a long term investment - which is exactly what it is. Results are not going to occur if you don't take care of the foundation first, just as you wouldn't throw all your money into an investment that you didn't take the time to learn about.

This is exactly why I will not hand out programs to people before I assess and evaluate them, and usually not before having gone through at least a month of training first. I guarantee that if you put the time in initially to learn primal movement patterns safely, you will get stronger, fitter, healthier or whatever your goal is, while also reducing your risk for training-specific injuries. And really, staying on the field, having less sick days, and being able to play with your kids is really why we train the way we do!

Thanks for reading!


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